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961. LucasJ. R. (1976) This Gudel is killing me: A rejoinder. Philosophia, 6(1),p. 145-148.

962. Lucas P. (1996) Knowledge acquisition for decision-theoretic expert systems. AISB Quarterly, 94,p. 23-33.

963. Luce D. R. and Raiffa H. (1957) Games and Decisions. Wiley, New York.

964. Luger G. F. (Ed.) (1995) Computation and intelligence: Collected readings. AAAI Press, Menlo Park,California.

965. Mac Kay D. J. С (1992) A practical Bayesian framework for back-propagation networks. NeuralComputation, 4(3), p. 448-472.

966. Mackworth A K. (1973) Interpreting pictures of polyhedral scenes. Artificial Intelligence, 4, p. 121-137.

967. Mackworth A. K. (1977) Consistency in networks of relations. Artificial Intelligence, 8(\), p. 99-118.

968. Mackworth A. K. (1992) Constraint satisfaction. In Shapiro S. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of ArtificialIntelligence (second edition), Vol. 1, p. 285-293. Wiley, New York.

969. Mahanti A. and Daniels С J. (1993) A SIMD approach to parallel heuristic search. ArtificialIntelligence, 60(2), p. 243-282.

970. Majercik S. M. and Littman M. L. (1999) Planning under uncertainty via stochastic satisfiability. InProceedings of the Sixteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, p. 549—556.

971. Malik J. (1987) Interpreting line drawings of curved objects. International Journal of Computer Vision,1(1), p. 73-103.

972. Malik J. and Rosenholtz R. (1994) Recovering surface curvature and orientation from texturedistortion: A least squares algorithm and sensitivity analysis. In Eklundh J.-O. (Ed.) Proceedings of the Third European Conf on Computer Vision, p. 353-364, Stockholm. Springer-Verlag.

973. Malik J. and Rosenholtz R. (1997) Computing local surface orientation and shape from texture forcurved surfaces. International Journal of Computer Vision, 23(2), p. 149—168.

974. Mann W. С and Thompson S. A. (1983) Relational propositions in discourse. Tech. rep. RR-83-115,Information Sciences Institute.

975. Mann W. С and Thompson S. A. (1988) Rlietorical structure theory: Toward a functional theory oftext organization. Text, 8(3), p. 243-281.

976. Manna Z. and Waldinger R. (1971) Toward automatic program synthesis. Communications of theAssociation for Computing Machinery, 14(3),p. 151-165.

977. Manna Z. and Waldinger R. (1985) The Logical Basis for Computer Programming: Volume 1: DeductiveReasoning. Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts.

978. Manna Z. and Waldinger R. (1986) Special relations in automated deduction. Journal of theAssociation for Computing Machinery, 33( 1), p. 1—59.

979. Manna Z. and Waldinger R. (1992) Fundamentals of deductive program synthesis. IEEE Transactionson Software Engineering, 18(8), p. 674—704.

980. Manning С D. and Schutze H. (1999) Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing. MITPress.